Sweet, highly scented, clove-like flavour
Sweet Romance Carnation Flowers are a stunning high impact bloom which can be used whole or as individual petals
Sharp mustard-like biting taste with a pungent aroma.
Horseradish root is technically a vegetable however it is most commonly served as a condiment. Native to Europe, it is best used freshly grated and ...
Mildly tart, slightly acidic flavour.
A sure fire conversation starter. Use these extravagant flowers as a dramatic garnish for a range of sweet and savoury dishes. Particularly suited to ...
Fresh alfalfa notes with green, light, spicy ...
A great combination packed full of antioxidants. Fresh clean alfalfa mixed with the spicy, peppery nature of the broccoli.
A sweet to spicy, clove-like flavour.
With a vibrant blue colour, Sapphire Buttons, from the Cornflower family, create amazing contrast with other ingredients, making memorable meals simple. &nb ...
Flowerdale Farm are Australian wholesale suppliers of fresh, specialty produce. We are growers and suppliers of quality shoots, sprouts, microgreens, edible flowers, petite vegetables, salads & herbs. Our stockists include grocers, providores and supermarkets throughout Australia and Internationally.