Micro Pea Tendril

Strong, fresh snow pea flavour.

These pretty, petite Microgreen Pea Tendrils are an attractive addition to any meal with a wonderful fresh pea flavour, crispness and crunch.

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Product Details


This flexible microgreen can accompany sweet or savoury flavours.  Add to fresh salads and sandwiches; combine with summer fruits, use in soups, egg dishes and stir-fries.


Classic snow-pea tendrils with big round leaves and thin winding tendrils.


To maintain freshness, store between 1-7 degrees C.  Microgreen Pea Tendrils should be consumed within 10 days of packing.  Rinse lightly under cold clean water before use.

Health Benefits

Microgreen Pea Tendrils contain vitamins A and C, folic acid, protein and fibre.


Available in a Mega Micro tray (half seedling tray) for wholesale.


Flowerdale Farm’s Microgreen Pea Tendril is cultivated in hydroponic conditions and is available year round.