Ora Salmon Tartare & End of Summer’s Tomatoes, Lemon & Yoghurt Sauce, Flowerdale Farm Microgreens

Ora Salmon Tartare & End of Summer’s Tomatoes, Lemon & Yoghurt Sauce, Flowerdale Farm Microgreens

Recipe created for Flowerdale Farm by Michael Cole, Australia's candidate for Bocuse d'Or 2019 and Head Chef at the Flinders Hotel.


40 Minutes



For 4 people

  • 350 grams Ora Salmon, pin boned
  • 200 grams Organic sun ripened tomatoes, peeled
  • 1 teaspoon(s) Finely chopped chives
  • 0.25 teaspoon(s) Smoked paprika
  • 1 pinch(es) Cayenne pepper
  • 1 pinch(es) White pepper
  • 0.25 teaspoon(s) Salt flakes (for the tartare)
  • 3 drop(s) Tabasco
  • 4 Organic egg yolks
  • 100 mL Olive oil (for confit yolks)
  • 20 mL Lemon juice
  • 50 grams Plain yoghurt
  • 50 mL Olive oil (for dressing)
  • 1 pinch(es) Salt (for dressing)
  • 1 teaspoon(s) Honey
  • 1 Punnet Flowerdale Farm Red Vein Sorrel Foliette
  • 1 Pot Flowerdale Farm Microgreen Celery
  • 1 Pot Flowerdale Farm Microgreen Mustard
  • 1 Punnet Flowerdale Farm Garlic Flowers
  • 1 Pot Flowerdale Farm Microgreen Purple Cabbage
  • 1 Punnet of Flowerdale Farm Lovage

Adjust Quantity


  1. Spread the lovage leaves on to no stick baking paper and place into a dehydrator on low – over night or until completely dry. Once dry blitz until a fine powder using a spice grinder. Set a side with a fine tea strainer until plate up.
  2. Finely dice the tomatoes and salmon into a small dice about 2 mm square. The more perfect these are diced the nicer the mouth feel it will have. Once diced - season with finely chopped chives, smoked paprika, cayenne pepper, white pepper, salt and tabasco. Set aside until plate up. Note this should be done no more then 1 hour prior to serving.
  3. Place the egg yolks individually into small plastic dariole moulds and cover with olive oil. Steam the eggs at 63 degrees for 1 hour. Once they have been steamed they are ready to serve, before serving we pour the oil off the eggs and use it for another technique in the kitchen. Note this technique makes the yolks incredibly creamy and compliments the salmon and tomatoes, if a steamer is not available, it is possible to use fresh raw yolks in-place of the slow cooked yolks. This is a more common practice with tartare.
  4. To make the dressing simply place lemon juice, plain yoghurt, 50 ml olive oil, a pinch of salt and 1 tsp of honey into a blender and blend on high until it emulsifies. Transfer into small squeeze bottle and set aside.
  5. To Serve: Sprinkle the lovage powder onto a plate (I used a butterfly stencil). Place between 80g – 100g of the salmon mixture onto the plate and then place a confit yolk on top of the salmon. Cover the salmon with assorted Flowerdale Farm Microgreens and garnish the plate with splashes of the yoghurt and lemon sauce.
  6. I love top enjoy this dish with some homemade lavosh or toasted sourdough bread and a glass of Pinot Gris - Chef Michael Cole