Microgreens are tiny herbs or brassicas, harvested from a variety of crops during the early vegetative stage, when the very first adult leaf appears, just after the cotyledon stage. Microgreens possess a highly concentrated flavour while maintaining a fresh, delicate and vibrant appearance. They are used to enhance the flavour and aesthetic of any dish. Their consistent pristine appearance and perfect uniformity make microgreens a stunning garnish either standing alone as an individual leaf or as a combination of several varieties. Our extensive range of microgreens allows chefs to create their own unique blends of colours and flavours to present new and exciting culinary masterpieces.
Microgreens offer a fresh alternative to traditional approaches to flavouring with herbs and a stylish alternative to traditional salad forms. Microgreens are used to instantly enhance the taste and presentation of any dish including sushi, soups, salads, sandwiches, entrees, side dishes, mains and even desserts. Varieties can be used alone or combined to construct unique spicy, citrus, Mediterranean or Asian blends.