Micro Red Mustard

A savoury, spicy, peppery, mustard flavour.

More subtle than the mature plant, Microgreen Red Mustard is succulent and crisp with a pungent bite that adds dimension and colour to many dishes.   

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A versatile ingredient, Microgreen Red Mustard combines well with pasta, poultry, legumes, sausages, pork and seafood.  It is an interesting topping for gourmet pizza and can be added to salads, sandwiches, creamy sauces and vinegars. 


Tiny pairs of flat green leaves with a maroon edging and short white stems.


To maintain freshness, store between 1-7 degrees C.  Microgreen Red Mustard should be consumed within 10 days of packing.  Rinse lightly under cold clean water before use.

Health Benefits

Microgreen Red Mustard contains antioxidants, protein and vitamins A and C.


Open Pots & Living Top Seal Punnets. 


Flowerdale Farm’s Microgreen Red Mustard is cultivated in hydroponic conditions and is available year round.