
New Seasonal Products: Baby & Mature Broad Beans

Baby Broad BeansBaby Broad Beans are a seasonal product now available from Flowerdale Farm through the Glenora Heritage Produce range.

Picked young, Baby Broad Beans are about the size of your little finger and have a wonderfully sweet, nutty, pea-like flavour and smooth texture. Tender and young, there is no need for shelling, just treat them as you would a regular green or string bean.

Enjoy Baby Broad Beans lightly steamed or blanched and tossed through a crisp spring salad. They are also the perfect side dressed simply with a dash of extra-virgin olive oil and freshly cracked sea salt and black pepper.

Mature Broad Beans are also available, but even our mature variety is smaller and sweeter than common broad beans. As they are picked young there is no need to double peel our Mature Broad Beans, making them time saving in the kitchen.

Baby Broad Beans are available in 300g punnets and there will be stock of both the baby and mature varieties until Christmas. All Glenora products are picked to order so please ensure orders are received to Flowerdale Farm by 8am each Tuesday or Friday.


New Product: Muntries

muntriesMuntries are a small native Australian berry with an apple-like flavour. Muntries have up to 4 times the antioxidants of blueberries and are ideal for sweet and savoury applications. Use in jam, chutney, fruit pies, cocktails and beverages. They combine well with pork and chicken and also add great flavour to desserts, sauces, salads and chocolate dishes. Available frozen year round in 100g resealable pouches.


New Product: Davidson Plums

davidson plumsDavidson Plums are a rainforest fruit grown in Northern NSW and Queensland. With a tart, tangy flavour and dark red flesh Davidson Plums are ideal stewed for jam or sauces. Their intense fruity flavour also lends itself to be used in a range of sweet and savoury dishes including cakes, fruit pastries, yoghurt and ice-cream. Frozen stock of Flowerdale Farm Davidson Plums is available year-round.


New Product: Warrigal Greens

Warrigal GreensWarrigal Greens are a flavoursome Australian native spinach. Use the large, lush leaves as a substitute to traditional Spinach in a wide range of meals. Warrigal Greens can be enjoyed raw or as a steamed vegetable. A great addition to quiches, pasta, stir fries and meat dishes.


New Product: Sea Anemone (Karkalla Flowers)

Karkalla FlowersFlowerdale Farm Sea Anemone are the edible flowers of the native succulent Karkalla. Their vibrant hot pink colour and delicate daisy-like petals make Sea Anemone a stand out garnish for a wide range of savoury dishes. With a slightly salty flavour they are a great complement to seafood, red or white meats and a terrific ingredient in salad. Both Sea Anemone flowers and Karkalla leaves are great additions to a cheese platter, with the crunchy salty flavour complementing many types of fresh and washed rind cheeses. The season has just started for Sea Anemone and we anticipate good supply for the next few months. These were very popular last year, so get on them quick chef!