
Edible Leaves Launch

Flowerdale Farm Produce Plus Article - Edible LeavesThe Spring Issue of Produce Plus Magazine features an article on the launch of Flowerdale Farm's new Edible Leaves Collection.

Aimed at complimenting Flowerdale's established edible flowers and microgreens categories, the Edible Leaves range contains specialty baby leaf products and succulents including Ice Plant, Micro Salad, Samphire, Karkalla and Seaspray.

"We see potential in the Edible Leaves category and look forward to developing our range further", General Manager James Rattray says.

View the full article here.

Catering to the Gourmet Current

Flowerdale Farm Produce Plus Article Spring 2013Flowerdale Farm was featured in the Spring issue of Produce Plus magazine in an article on increased demand for high-end produce.

James Rattray, Flowerdale's general manager, says retail interest in the company's range of pre-packaged salads, fresh herbs and edible leaves has increased significantly in the last five years.

"No longer does the weeknight meal consist solely of meat and three veg," Rattray says.  "Consumers are becoming more interested in using and aware of the diverse range of fresh produce now available in the Australian market".

"As a result, demand for the Flowerdale Farm range of products is definately growing on the domestic front and we see an opportunity to develop more creative food ideas that appeal to modern tastes".

View the article in full here.

The Best Blooms to Buy Now

Edible flowers can add great flavour and colour to a wide range of dishes and with the new season kicking off, now is the time to rediscover this beautiful ingredient.  Our exclusive growers give you the inside word on the best blooms to buy now.

Persian Gold Calendula Flowers – A versatile bloom with a saffron-like, spicy flavour.   Separate the petals and use for sweet and savoury applications including egg dishes, salads, biscuits and spreads.

Merry Melody Viola Flowers - Fresh grassy flavour with subtle sweet perfume.   This large bloom sugars and candies well and is ideal for elegant desserts, cakes and canapés.

Amazon Empress Nasturtium Flowers – Use the whole flower or individual petals to add a peppery taste and a fresh burst of colour to salads, pâté, terrines, soft cheeses and hors d'oeuvres.

Persian Gold Merry Melody Amazon Empress

Microgreens Enter Mainstream Retail

Microgreens enter the mainstreamProduce Plus Online has run a feature on the entry of Flowerdale Farm Microgreens into the mainstream retail market.

Availale at premium Coles supermarkets in Victoria, Flowerdale Farm is the first Australian grower to sell Microgreens in one of Australia's biggest retailers.

Flowerdale have specifically developed a patented living top seal punnet for the retail market. The plastic punnet is sealed with a tamper evident film, providing superior shelf life by helping to maintain an ideal temperature and protecting the product in transit.

The move into the retail sector follows growing consumer demand for specialty produce.

View the full article here.

Market Update

Excellent supply of all hydroponic produceAs we reach the final month of winter we are beginning to see supply of some produce lines slow.  Currently samphire is out of season, however we have the sea succulents karkalla and seaspray still available.  Mint microgreen is also in low supply.  We are offering customers microgreen Lemon Balm, which has a mint-like fresh citrus flavour as an alternative.  All other microgreens are in good supply.

We currently have excellent supply of our vast range of hydroponic produce including all alfalfa varieties, shoots, sprouts and herbs.   

Our edible flower growers have been busy planting over winter and as the weather warms we will see increased production and several new varieties become available.  Keep an eye on our website for the latest news on this exciting category.